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Comfortable Sleep Study Clinic in Westmoreland & fayette County

In-Lab Sleep Study

While some sleep disorders can be diagnosed with an at-home test, others may require a special in-lab sleep study. An in-lab sleep study is carried out by a team of specialists at a designated sleep center, such as Westmoreland Sleep Medicine under the care of Dr. Jain. During an in-lab sleep study, patients are monitored for various conditions that may be interfering with their ability to get restorative sleep. 

We offer six fully equipped bedrooms at both our office locations in Greensburg and Scottdale. The studies are performed on weekday nights (Monday through Friday). You will be given a tour of the facility during your visit to see Dr. Jain, and every effort will be made to make your sleep study as comfortable and personalized as possible. For our pediatric patients, we make every effort for a parent to stay at the facility and offer them a separate bedroom to sleep.

If you're interested in learning more about in-lab sleep studies, schedule your first consultation with Dr. Jain today and discuss whether or not the procedure is right for you. With Dr. Jain's care, you can get the sleep you need to feel your best each day.  We look forward to helping you take control of your health!

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In-lab sleep study near me in Scottdale, PA, to diagnose sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome with professional supervision.

Sleep Disorder Test in western pa

In-Lab Polysomnography Test: How it Works

During a sleep study, your brain waves, heartbeat, and breathing patterns are monitored and recorded by small sensors. These sensors are strategically placed on your head, face, chest and legs. Several of the sensors are used specifically to determine when you are asleep, awake, or the stage of sleep you may be experiencing. Others detect brain wave patterns and eye movements verifying when you are in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This is a stage of sleep where your eyes twitch and your brain waves are very active. It is also the stage of sleep when you have most of your dreams. 

The breathing monitors show the number of times you stop breathing or when you have limited airflow coming from your nose or mouth. A clip will also be placed on your finger to note changes in the level of oxygen in your blood. The leg sensors show both minor twitches and major movements that occur during the night.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why might I need a sleep study?

A sleep study (polysomnogram) is often used in the following cases:

  • When diagnosing sleep related breathing disorders such as sleep apnea
  • To set the correct level/s of positive airway pressure (PAP) for patients diagnosed with sleep related breathing disorders
  • As a pre-screening test performed in conjunction with a multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) to evaluate for excessive daytime sleepiness and possible Narcolepsy
  • To look for certain parasomnias, (sleep related behaviors), some of which may be violent in nature, which could cause harm to both the patient and the bed partner

You may also need a repeat sleep study if you are already being treated for a sleep disorder but are not feeling better. This study can help Dr. Jain see why the treatment may not be working.

What should I expect during my sleep study?

First, you will be asked to come to the Center in the evening around 8:30 PM. Upon your arrival, you will be greeted by one of our technicians who will then bring you to one of our private “hotel quality” bedrooms that have a recliner and an attached restroom. You will then be given time to relax in your bedroom or lounge and have the testing process explained to you.

Shortly after, the technician will start placing sensors on your head, face and legs. These sensors are connected to a unit that will then send signals to a computer for evaluation while you are sleeping. You will not feel any discomfort during the sleep study. Our staff will make every effort to help you maintain the same sleep patterns to which you adhere at home, while acquiring the data during the study.

Once the lights are turned out and the testing begins, a low-light video camera is used to view your sleep positions, and other occurrences that may take place while you are asleep. The wires are long enough to let you move around and turn over in bed, but there are several instances where the technician may have to enter your room during your study, such as when the wires becoming tangled, a sensor coming loose, or to detach you from the system if you need to go to the bathroom. Nearly everyone falls asleep during the study. Most people may not sleep as well as they do at home. This will not affect the results. In most cases, you do not need to sleep for a full eight hours to find the source of your problem.

In the morning, once the study has been completed we will remove all the sensors, and you will be free to go. We also have a shower facility in case you need to use them prior to getting to work. Despite possibly feeling a little tired, you may return to your normal daily activities including going back to work.

Why do I need to have an office visit at your sleep center near me?

Your initial office visit is an important part of the diagnostic process. Dr. Jain will evaluate you for one of the over 80 sleep disorders that are currently known. Some sleep disorders may be treated without requiring a sleep study, while others require a sleep study to determine which disorder you may have and its severity.

This visit not only insures that we are providing you with the best possible service, but it is also a requirement for the sleep disorders center to meet the high standards of accreditation. A tour of the facility including the bedrooms will be provided to better prepare you for testing and alleviate any anxiety.

How can I get started with the best sleep clinic near me?

Westmoreland Sleep Medicine makes it easy to get started on your road to better sleep. Just use our online scheduling tool to request your first consultation with Dr. Jain at a time that’s right for you.